February 12, 2020

Mojaloop Phase Four Community Event Recap

by Dr. Warren Carew in Financial Inclusion , Fintech , Mojaloop , Open Source , Payment Management 0 comments

We just concluded a very successful Mojaloop OSS Community event, the “Phase Four ‘Go-Live!’” kick-off in Johannesburg, South Africa. More than 120 people from 23 countries around the world attended the three-day conference, which was filled with many exciting developments.

About the Mojaloop Community Event

The main focus of the Mojaloop community event was implementation. This event represented the kick-off to Phase Four which is dedicated to the go-live strategy of the community implementers. As part of this, attendees related the work and progress made on their contributions. There were updates provided by Coil, Mifos, ModusBox, Google, Mowali, GSMA, Snapp and others. (All the presentations can be downloaded here.)

Event Highlights

There were several key highlights from the conference:

Inclusion of PISP from Google Pay

Google Pay presented a proposal to extend Mojaloop to support Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISP). We are very excited about this initiative as it brings Google Pay into the Mojaloop ecosystem. As exemplified by India’s UPI system, which has seen an eightfold increase in transactions, this development will accelerate adoption of digital payments by making it easier for users to spend money at merchant organisations utilizing any of their financial service providers. It helps to equalize the playing field for those using the latest mobile money wallets or traditional banking services.

Mowali Implementation Strategy 

Mowali shared learnings from their unique perspective as the first organization to implement Mojaloop. Their goal in doing so was to help others learn from their experiences and continue to enhance and strengthen the Mojaloop community. They stressed the importance of cross-network engagement among providers so that further efficiencies can be created.

Mojaloop Partner Program

We launched our Mojaloop partner program and are grateful for a very positive reception. Attendees confirmed that this program is a key next step for community expansion and supporting further adoption. This capability building program is already helping us support organisations such as WOCCU and Paysys with financial inclusion in the Philippines and Indonesia. Our team is in the process of building out the program and, over the next few months, will be piloting it with members of the community before making it generally available. If you’re interested, get started at modusboxstage.wpengine.com/mojaloop to find out more or register your interest in the program. 

Real-world Interoperability

To demonstrate interoperability with legacy payment networks, Coil provided a “moja-cash” experience, bringing the worlds of ISO8583 and Mojaloop together. Delegates had fun creating online accounts and cashing out at the ATM to purchase “Mojaloop” t-shirts or stickers via POS purchases.

What Happens Next?

There is still a lot of work to be done to move the Mojaloop ecosystem and community forward over the next few months. Here’s a little of what that looks like.

Sign Up for the Mojaloop Partner Program

The next natural step in Mojaloop’s evolution is the development of our partner program. It’s all about sharing experiences on everything from business operations and procedures to technology, system integration, and more. You’ll learn how to join the Mojaloop community from the perspective of hub-operators and/or DFSPs connecting to Mojaloop hubs.

  •  For local SIs, we offer opportunities to learn and gain experience on the Mojaloop platform. You can partner with us to leverage our virtual lab, which offers directed learning exposure to Mojaloop. We’ll also work with you on your local implementation of the platform and provide regular support.
  • For larger SIs, ModusBox is thrilled to be your experienced partner. We’ll work alongside you during your Mojaloop implementation, ensuring a successful engagement with software, services, and support.

To become a partner today, contact us at [email protected]. We’re here to help with your commercial implementation, talk through the best options, and get you started in the community.

Training. Training. Training.

To get Mojaloop off the ground and live, we need trainers and users.

Over the coming months, ModusBox will be building up system integration and operational capabilities in different countries. Our goal is to ensure that users can operate and manage the solution locally. It’s all about building capability and helping our partners sell their services and connection to Mojaloop.

Again, if you are interested in this training program, please contact us at [email protected].

Hosted Mojaloop Lab

The Hosted Mojaloop lab will support PoCs, helping them keep current with all core Mojaloop solutions. The lab will help organizations get up and running, trial the technology, and make sure Mojaloop is a successful experience for all community members. 

Community Program Increment 9

With a successful Mojaloop kick-off event behind us, Phase Four has begun. Additionally, each phase is broken into increments and we’re pleased to transition into Program Increment 9 with objectives around managing change in production, security enhancements and further settlement models. 

We’re always on the lookout for new partners and community members. 

If you’d like to learn more about Mojaloop or have any questions or contributions, please contact us at [email protected] or visit modusboxstage.wpengine.com/mojaloop.

You can also join the Mojaloop community on slack at mojaloop-slack.herokuapp.com.

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